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Is it just me, or has our world gone completely insane? Are we really living in the 2020s, or have we suddenly been transported into Orwell’s novel, 1984? The inhabitants of Planet Earth are witnessing a complete paradigm shift where right is wrong, a male is female, immorality is moral, and no good deed goes unpunished. Our world is plunging headlong into one managed crisis after another that results in blatant public hypocrisy, attacks on everything Christians hold sacred, encourages overt violence in our streets that goes unpunished, installs governmental tyranny and over-reach, attacks on traditional and biblical institutions, promotes transgenderism, and coming soon to a neighborhood near you–introduces transhumanism.
What is going on? The fact that we are suddenly overrun by evil forces from the spiritual realm is becoming more obvious with each passing day. Even notable secular individuals are publicly crying out that we are under the assault of evil spiritual forces. If the secular world can analyze the situation, Christians should be acutely cognizant of this spiritual warfare. However, most Bible-believing individuals are living like the proverbial ostrich with their heads firmly and nonchalantly planted deep in the sand.
This study will attempt to inform and incite action to battle Evil. It will reinforce the fact that we worship an all-powerful, supernatural God, and if God is supernatural, His Word is a supernatural book. This study will delve into those supernatural aspects. In our “evangelical” Christian culture, we have drained the Bible of exciting and critical information because we have been taught that many of its major characters (particularly in the Old Testament) are imaginary or make-believe. Specifically, the gods of the pagan world have been relegated to a “filthy figmentation of a diseased imagination” even though they were worshiped by some of the most advanced civilizations of the ancient world. Most Bible teachers seem to think the citizens of Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc. were grown-ups who regularly played with their imaginary friends. Recent surveys indicate that many American Christians are not sure of the reality of Satan or the Holy Spirit–much less Baal, Molech, Ishtar, Zeus, or a myriad of others addressed in Scripture.
This study will journey through the Bible to acquaint and educate the viewer about these spiritual realities. We will start with primordial evil and the three major rebellions in Genesis 1-11 that plotted the future course of all of mankind. These rebellions are:
• The Fall of Satan and the Fall of Man
• The Rebellion of the Sons of God as recorded in Genesis 6
• The Rebellion at the Tower of Babel
From there will investigate the entities of evil– from Satan and the Fallen Angels to the Greek and Roman gods. We will then see the reversal of these rebellions and the final victory of Righteousness over Evil as laid out in the New Testament.
This study will traverse this path:
• Though we may not have all the answers, we will ask the hard questions.
• We will address the Word of God as a supernatural guide to fight spiritual battles.
• We will teach some vital theology along the way to our final conclusion.
• Finally, we will present a biblical strategy to triumph over Evil.
Run Time 1 hour 22 minutes
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