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Brought to you by FaithNetTV and Beacon Street Press
6725 Green Rd. | Lakeland, FL 33810-4953
11:00 am—Doors Open
11:45 am—Opening Remarks
12:00 pm—William Federer—The Real History of Socialism, Part 1
1:15 pm—Dr. Ken Lindow—God’s Orderly Answer to This World’s Chaos
2:30 pm—Larry Stamm—Biblical Principles for Personal Evangelism
3:45 pm—Dr. Larry Spargimino—Needless Death and the Nephilim Story
4:30 pm—James Collins—The 12, A major message from a minor prophet
5:30 pm—Break for Dinner
7:00 pm—William Federer—The Real History of Socialism, Part 2
11:00 am—Doors Open
11:45 am—Opening Remarks
12:00 pm—Dr. Larry Spargimino—Why the Church Will Endure to the Rapture
1:15 pm—James Collins—Rapture Ready
2:30 pm—Larry Stamm—Jewish Roots of Christianity
3:45 pm—James Collins—Ready or not here He comes
5:00 pm—Q&A Session