SWRC provides daily encouragement, teaching and information—with an emphasis on the end-times and Bible prophecy—to strengthen you in your walk with the Lord.
Our broadcasts online and on about 700 radio signals feature longtime host Dr. Larry Spargimino and Staff Evangelist Josh Davis, as well as Bible scholars, Christian apologists, archaeologists, historians, and authors on a world of biblical topics.
SWRC also offers Christian resources and monthly publications and ministers nationally and internationally to those in need.
This video teaching series is all about the person and work of Jesus the Messiah and of God’s redemptive plan for mankind.
Our salvation studies here in the Holy Land will focus from various biblical angles on the Redeemer Jesus and the Redemption He has accomplished through His life, death and resurrection, with the consummation being Zion – the place where God is and the place His people will dwell with Him in perfect communion forever.
Every believer in Messiah Jesus is on a pilgrimage to Zion, our eternal home with our eternal God!